Revolutionary Banking Service For Creative Project And Group Activities

In the age where the internet plays a huge roll in small business and business in general, many companies are finding their niche creating innovative services online and via smartphone. “There is an app for that?” right? This Finnish company Holvi has come up with a way of integrating business expenditures with online banking. Taking many of the normal daily business tasks and pulling them all together into one convenient spot. Such as … intelligent budget, collecting money online, managing expense claims, send and pay invoices and track your transactions. A service that can be invaluable to small business. Check out their website for more info and for more creative small business solutions check out Springwise.

Site offers clarified banking for groups & small business teams

For groups of friends, shared expenses can be handled through sites such as PayDivvy. Small businesses and teams, however, tend to need a more structured approach. Billed as ???a revolutionary netbanking service for creative projects and group activities,??? Finnish Holvi aims to serve such users with a raft of business-oriented functions.

New from the founders of Scred ??? which appeared on our virtual pages back in 2009 ??? Holvi aims to give small teams a better understanding of how their money is spent and received. Users can create a budget for their activities and see a graphical report of everything happening in real time, for instance. They can also build income by selling tickets and t-shirts, for example, and then see their bookkeeping updated in real time. Expense claims can be received, fully tagged and categorized, and photos of receipts can even be uploaded directly to the site. Meanwhile, users can pay bills as they would with any internet bank; every payment is tagged and automatically updated to their budget reports.

Holvi is currently in closed pilot testing. Interested users, however, can apply for early access on the site. One to test out on your own bottom line?


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