Employee Behavior Biggest Threat To Small Business

A normal small business owner may think their biggest problem is coming from outside of his own business bubble, but he could be wrong! They have now discovered that employees play a bigger role in the vulnerabilities of a business. The release below is letting business owners know that they have some options in protecting their hard work. It may seem a little unsettling all the services GeekSignal offers, as we don’t want to believe that the people we hire would actually do us any harm. There’s the rub though, people have become hazardous and don’t even realize the impact of their actions on their employers business.

Small Businesses & Non-Profits: Internal Threats are Biggest Hurdle to Growth CEOs Admit: Small Business’ Greatest Threats Come from Employee Behavior
America???s small business owners and nonprofit CEOs feel threatened by their vulnerability when it comes to hiring employees; and once they do take the plunge, they fear what their employees are doing that could jeopardize the organization they worked so hard to build. These findings are gleaned from more than 8 years of ongoing discussion between Geeks In A Flash!?? and CEOs in the small business and nonprofit sectors. According to Geeks In A Flash!?? CEO Manny Lloyd, this nervousness leads to slowed or reduced hiring and effects company growth and the overall economy. To relieve this fear, the Wilmington, NC-based company has coupled its GeekSignal??? service with the corporate offerings of Safe Surroundings of Leland, NC.

Though some may be surprised by the level of fear expressed in these executive conversations, I’m not.??? Lloyd said. ???As a small business owner, I am far more clued into this issue than most people would imagine – and that’s why we created GeekSignal???

Wilmington, NC (PRWEB) February 25, 2011

GeekSignal??? is a complete software-as-a-service insider threat prevention platform that protects companies from the full spectrum of internal threats such as leakage of confidential data, loss of employee productivity, inappropriate employee behavior, and the damage caused by a lost or stolen laptop. You can get an instant demo at https://geeksignal.geeksinaflash.com. The user name is “geeksignal” and the password is “testdrive” (without quotes on username or password). You can also get a live 7 day evaluation free to see how GeekSignal works on your own network. Go to https://www.geeksinaflash.com/pub/node/72 to sign up.

GeekSignal??? requires no hardware and provides web filtering (make sure employees are using the company internet in a safe/productive manner), employee monitoring and productivity (control all employee computer activity including instant messaging, email, programs used and keystrokes), laptop recovery (geo-locate any lost/stolen laptop and remotely delete/retrieve data to prevent confidential data loss) and data loss prevention (ensure no critical or regulated data is stored inappropriately across the organization and scan content before it can leave the organization to block confidential data from exiting via email, email attachments, or USB flash devices).

GeekSignal??? supports different settings for each user, can be quickly, easily and silently deployed without user prompts and even enforce policies on laptops that never connect to the company network.

The GeekSignal??? + Safe Surroundings suite adds pre-employment criminal background screening, internal investigations, undercover surveillance, substance abuse policies and administration, executive protection, liaison to local authorities (missing laptop, internal crimes, etc), secret mystery shopper (know how your customers are treated when you’re not around), and asset documentation (create and securely store a database of your assets before disaster strikes).
“We want small business owners and nonprofits to know that they aren’t at the mercies of unreliable or unethical employees,” said Rick Paxton, President/CEO of Safe Surroundings. “There’s help out here in the cyber-software world and the brick-and-mortar world that can alleviate that anxiety so you can hire confidently – knowing you’ve done your due diligence on the front end, and are maintaining that diligence through the duration of the relationship.”

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