Twitter Connections, Links, Retweets

Best Practices for Twitter

Writing about the top best practices for Twitter is fraught with danger because everyone has his/her own list. Thus with trepidation I will attempt to provide you with what I believe are the most important best practices:

#1 Best Practice:

Share valuable information of yours and others with links to this information. This can be blog posts, news articles, website pages, news photos, whatever is appropriate.

#2 Best Practice:

Retweet worthwhile information tweeted by others and include links to this information. This is a great best practice as long as this is not the only thing you do on Twitter. (Some people do only retweet other people’s information without ever engaging in conversations.)

#3 Best Practice:

Engage in conversations – use or other applications to know when people are tweeting about topics of interest to you and then participate in the conversation. This includes answering questions when you can do so. (For example, where’s a good fish restaurant in West Los Angeles? Or where can I find odd-size men’s shoes online?)

#4 Best Practice:

Do NOT make your tweets all about you. If you are sharing valuable free information, that’s one thing. But if you are promoting your own products and services all the time you will get a reputation that you do not want. (If you constantly tweet trivial information such as when you are going to sleep, you will also get an undesirable reputation.)

Good sense is the motto for Twitter best practices:

The important element in any best practices list is using good sense. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and consider what you like to see in tweets and what you don’t like to see.

Here’s a slightly edited email I received:

“I quit Twitter. To be frank, I hated it. Too many strangers wanting to be my friend. Much too much small talk. I just don’t have that kind of time … I simply can’t muster up the interest required in knowing that Bob just returned from his kitchen with a bologna sandwich.”

See what I mean? Judge your tweets by what you’d like to receive.

Just make sure you are one of those people sharing valuable information!

FYI – One additional point to consider: Who you retweet can also be important. Even if you think a particular tweet is valuable, consider who it is from who will then be mentioned by username in your retweet.

If that person’s tweets are usually not valuable and therefore that person’s overall Twitter reputation is probably not that good, perhaps you shouldn’t retweet that person. You want to retweet from effective Twitter participants the valuable information they share.

About the Author: Phyllis Zimbler Miller (@ZimblerMiller on Twitter) has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is an Internet business consultant whose power marketing website is . If you liked this article, you’ll love her free report on “Power Marketing’s Top 3 Internet Marketing Tips” ‘ claim your report now from

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Phyllis Zimbler Miller (@ZimblerMiller on Twitter) has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is an Internet business consultant. She writes numerous articles and posts throughout the Internet, including for the blog at her company website . Grab her FREE report on ???How to Become a Twitter Marketing Expert??? at