Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

Tips For Running Your Business From Home

There are many advantages to operating a business from a home office. A short commute, tax deductions and the freedom to set your own hours are some of the benefits to running a business from home. While working from home is convenient, it takes some planning and motivation to ensure business success. By following these tips, you can stay motivated and productive.

Plan your business

A business plan will help keep your business on track. As you prepare to write your business plan, you will discover a wealth of information about your target customers and competitors. You will also make a budget for your business and determine how much money you have to earn to make a profit.

Plan your day

Start each day with a plan and stick to the plan as much as possible. Revisit the plan at the end of the day. Cross off completed tasks and add incomplete work to the next day’s schedule. When your office is in your home, it is easy to work early in the morning or late at night. The ability to work odd hours is a convenience of having a home office. Overworking is a common pitfall of working from home. By having a realistic plan, you can avoid sleep deprivation.

Be prepared for the amount of work a home business involves

A microbusiness requires the owner to do almost every job. It is not uncommon for a small business owner to be salesperson, bookkeeper, marketer and receptionist. While most of the work can be done by the owner, be prepared to outsource those tasks that require expertise that you don’t have. For example, it is almost always cost effective to hire an accountant and a website designer.

Have an office

Even if your office only consists of a desk and a file cabinet in a corner of the dining room, it is important to claim your office space. Having a dedicated space that is used exclusively for your business is essential for tax purposes. There is another advantage to having office space in your home. An office space that is free of distractions can increase your motivation to work.

Set your office hours

Office hours not only keep you motivated, they will serve as a reminder to friends and family that you are working and cannot be disturbed. If you have an office door, post your hours outside the door. Refuse to allow distractions from people who assume you have time to socialize because you are at home.

Display your professionalism to the public

Order business cards and have a separate phone line for business calls. Have a professional website and a social network presence for your business.

Schedule a time to check email and return phone calls

Email can be a huge distraction when you are working from home. Schedule one or two times per day to check and respond to email and voice mail messages.

Make time for yourself

It is important to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Take time to exercise and eat healthy meals. If you have a family, make time for them every day. Keeping a healthy balance will help you remain focused on the goals of your business.

This article was contributed by 360 Online Marketing, a Boulder web design company.

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