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All situations that are mutually beneficial define Success.

This is the ideal agreement that takes care of both parties equally and it never becomes about one person taking advantage of another.

Some people think of success in terms of their happiness or their goals. They may believe that getting whatever one wants means that they are successful. The fact is that this is not the true definition of success at all. Even more important, the true definition of success is much, much better.

What does the word success mean to you? If you gain an entirely different viewpoint, success will not only be easier to come by, but also more fulfilling.

Perhaps you have a job, or have been thinking about a career goal for your future. You may think that generating a nice income and doing the kind of work that you love will mean that you are successful. If you think about the person or the company you will be working for, you will see that there is more to success than what you yourself can gain or accomplish. You will be contributing your skills, your time, and your input, while you are doing your job. This is a mutually beneficial situation, as your contributions are of great value to the company. When you think in terms of giving, and give your best, this is one of the best definitions of success.

You can also have success in your relationships with other people. A successful relationship is mutually beneficial to both persons. Whether you are thinking about a close friend or a member of your family, you know what makes a good relationship. The positive communication, heartfelt giving, admiration for the other person’s unique personality and talents, and acceptance of differences are all qualities which make a relationship a success. When you do not think much about what the person can do for you or give to you, your focus is on how much better your life is from this person being in it. It is a relationship that is a success.

While personal gain is important in life, it is not nearly as important as the viewpoint you have on the subject of success. When you place as much emphasis on what you can contribute, every aspect of your life can be successful. You will know that being selfish is not a good approach, and that everyone benefits if you are not– including you. This viewpoint can be the start of giving as much as you gain, and appreciating everything that comes to you. You will begin to see your life as a success, and how fulfilling it is to contribute and share your successes with others.

What does success really mean? It means that when you give your best to the world and to the people in it, you will be setting the stage for the best to return to you. Everything from your relationships with other individuals to your career desires to your special abilities will take on a new meaning. When every aspect of your life is mutually beneficial to both yourself and the people in your world, you will know the true meaning of the word “success.”

About the Author: Anthony is a successful speaker and who knows first hand how powerful positive affirmations can be in everyone’s life. He wants to enlighten you with a simple proven way to control and change your growth and achievement for the better. You’re just a click from the awesome and improved you=>

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