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Goal Setting: How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

by Edward B. Toupin

Defining your goals is the primary basis for success and fulfillment. If your goals and path are unclear and lack a definite direction, then you will probably end up with nothing more than frustration and disappointment.

It is necessary to define a basic set of goals and then review, rethink, and rewrite those goals to refine and define your life plan. Eventually you’ll begin to see life in a way that will allow you to adjust your Vision and Mission to a solid and fulfilling target. Realize that the clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to do those things that are consistent with achieving them.

Review your goals daily to ensure they are still in line with your Vision. As you grow and move through your goals, you will find yourself adjusting your Vision, thus adjusting your goals. You will also find yourself changing and deleting goals that are no longer in line with your changing direction. Whatever your goals, plan them out thoroughly, step-by-step, and work on them every day. This is the key to peak performance and success!

— About the Author — Edward B. Toupin is an author, life-strategy coach, counselor, technical writer, and PhD Candidate living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors books, articles, and screenplays on topics ranging from career success through life organization and fulfillment. For more information, e-mail Edward at or visit his sites at or

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Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind

– Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your goals, with that said the question is how do we effectively work our goals list…

Here are a few techniques that work for me, hopefully you can adapt these to work for you. Add daily, weekly and monthly tasks to your overall goals. Make these tasks achievable yet enough to stretch you at the same time.

The objective of achieving our goals is as much as what it makes of us to reach them, as it is what we actually get in reaching them. The main idea is that with each accomplished task, it’s taking you closer to your overall dream.

Equally important is to take evaluation of your progress along the way. Review your goals at least once a week, or at least once a month! It is the old out of mind, out of sight saying. Don’t fall victim to it. Keep your goals fresh in your mind. If you can review your goals each day you’re that much better off. It really is about keeping our objectives fresh in our minds.

To Your Success, Josh Hinds

_____________ Written By Josh Hinds – Founder Join our free ezine “Let’s Talk Motivation!” by visiting the web site or sending a blank e-mail to: – get FREE copy of the new “Principles Of Success!” ebook when you join!

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