Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

Health Care Communicators Summit June 7???9, 2010

Kaiser Permanente and Ragan Communications present:
Health Care Communicators Summit
A practical how-to conference for Health Care, Public Relations, Marketing, and Social Media
June 7???9, 2010 ??? Kaiser Permanente Sidney R. Garfield Health Care Innovation Center ??? San Leandro, Calif.
Price: $1395
Member Price: $1145

The hottest social media trends in health care!

Don’t miss this how-to conference. Every session gives you tips and strategies from best-practice case studies!

Our health care pros know social media inside and out. Transform your marketing, media relations, internal communications, and PR.

We promise: You’ll leave our conference with an immediate to-do list.

You’ll learn how to:

Re-invent your communications strategy with social media

Use Facebook and Twitter???must haves!???to help customers, build communities, and sell your brand Persuade execs to support social media and to blog???on a bare-bones budget.

Measure the success of blogs through Web analytics and media coverage
Use social media to engage workers in their health care and benefits
Overhaul your communications plan! 30 ideas from our panel of health care stars
Find out what employees want from executives through surveys, focus groups

Get maximum mileage out of statistics to tell your story to skeptical readers
Engage patients and the public like never before with Twitter, Yammer, YouTube
Get the word out in a public health emergency faster with social media
Energize internal communications when your intranet publication and e-mail updates aren’t cutting it
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