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How to Save 70% on Health Insurance Premiums

How to Save Up to 70% on Health Insurance Premiums

by Ryan Orrell

Are you tired of paying too much for health insurance premiums? Only 5 or 6 years ago health insurance seemed very affordable with fantastic coverage to match. Well, if you???re an individual or family who pays for health insurance today chances are you???re literally getting punched in the pocket book, and it hurts. Dramatically health insurance has changed over the last five years and this article will no doubt arm you with the knowledge you need to get the most out of your next health insurance plan. First, an individual or family needs to identify with what they need out of a health plan. Notice I say need, because unless you make more money than you know what to do with there is no way in the world most people can afford the “Perfect” plan with all the bells and whistles.

Trusted Source Health Insurance Information Search

Do you need a doctors office co pay? Most people don???t realize this will save you up to 30% with some companies by cutting this benefit out of your health insurance plan. Doctors continually raise their fees for visits and most of the time the consumer will go much faster to the doctor if he or she has a $10 co pay as opposed to paying the $50 the doctor may charge. Insurance companies pay millions for these fees and trust me, after the first 12 months of your plan being in effect you???re the one who will be paying by a huge increase in your premium. I???ve seen insurance plans go up 79% after the first twelve months. Totally ridiculous. The consumers cannot afford this.

Another huge problem is prescription drug cards. I really can???t see where the consumer wins here either. Don???t get me wrong, if you???re on an employer sponsored group health insurance plan your probably getting a good deal but I can assure you that your company is paying out the nose for the coverage you???ve come to love. I talk to people weekly who literally work for their health insurance coverage. If you can do without a prescription drug plan I would. It can generally save you 20 to 40% off your premium by not having this benefit.

Consumers usually pay 500 to 700 dollars a year for this benefit alone while the average family who can qualify for individual or family medical plans don???t spend near this amount of money. And, once again when you finally use your card the insurance company will generally offset the cost at your renewal date by raising your health insurance premium. Cut out these things and go with a deductible of $1,000 or higher and you will definitely save yourself money both in the short and long term. Most of us can pay for the occasional doctor visit and prescription rather than giving our money up front to the Insurance Company. Just a little food for thought.

About the author:

Ryan Orrell has been a specialist in the field of health insurance since 1996 counseling hundreds of individuals and families on policies which may be right for them. Ryan is president of an online shopping service designed to help individuals and families find affordable health insurance plans.

Trusted Source Health Insurance Information Search

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