Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

Using Creative Audio Post Production For Marketing

Most businesses today have become pretty savvy when it comes to marketing their products and services using digital media. Often they will produce video content or create blog posts to alert their target audience to new products and services. This is all well and good, but what happens when everybody else is doing this already? How do you differentiate yourself from the herd? The answer is pretty simple actually, and it’s something that many businesses and organisations seem to neglect – audio! This begs the question how can audio be used effectively for marketing? Well, if you have music or film projects to promote, audio is certainly one of the best mediums to use. However, it’s no good having shoddy audio in your work, and for the best results it’s highly recommended to factor in some audio post production.

In this article we present a few ideas of using audio as a marketing medium:

1. Podcasts – Despite some proclamations that podcasts are becoming less popular, iTunes Store still has its top list of downloadable podcasts that are always updated and Podcasts still remain a very popular form of downloadable content. Podcasts are essentially like talk shows, but online, and often feature celebrities, pundits, topic experts and so forth. Podcasts cover all kinds of genres, from comedy through to fiction and horror. Podcasts still appeal to so many people, because they download the show and then listen to it at their convenience. Often people will listen to podcasts during their leisure time, so you’ll able to reach your target audience at their most relaxed state, making your message more likely to resonate.

2. Radio Shows – There’s no better way to reach a musically orientated audience than through a radio show, and this can be a very effective way to promote a product or service. However, it’s necessary to adapt your strategy as traditional marketing approaches won’t produce the desired results. You need something that will work on the radio and grab peoples’ attention, whilst still being able to effectively promote your products. Finally, with audio advertisements you can add some cool effects during audio post production, but’s it’s important not to go overboard with it!

Furthermore, when it comes to audio post production it doesn’t matter if you’re a small or large business, you should be able to find freelancers out there willing to work to your budget. When using freelancers you want to work with someone who will bring some new and fresh ideas to the table, but still letting you have the final say. Finally, make sure the freelancer is using high quality equipment as even the best ideas will become a disaster with poor execution.

Guest Article courtesy of Dragonfly Productions – a video production company in London who are leading experts in video and audio post production services.

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