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10 Apps For The 2011 Entrepreneur

Having and using a mobile device is synonymous with being an entrepreneur in today’s business culture of lifestyle design. As an entrepreneur, this also means that having the right tools is critical to success. There are some incredibly valuable apps that are available to business owners to help with any number of tasks. Here are 10 such apps and a brief description of what they can be used for:

1. Evernote

This is an app that allows for the capture and subsequent indexing or searching of anything that needs to be captured. The app provides an integrated snapshot with photo-enabled devices, note taking using text input, voice memo recording and a social bookmarking tool for tracking anything. The app also leverages the internet capable devices and will sync with a central account. Great for remembering those important ideas.

2. Dimewise

This is an app for recording purchases and expenses followed by a quick categorization. This app is very useful for tracking expenses and being able to analyze where the budget is going and provide data for better budgetary decision making.

3. Wesabe

Wesabe integrates financial organization and the tools for successful financial planning combined with information it can receive and sync with your bank account. The report that this tool can generate will include the accounting information that can be used to manage the account and even pay bills. This app also provides financial advice via collaboration with other entrepreneurs in the financial arena.

4. Instacalc

Calculators are a must for the business end of entrepreneurial projects. This is an easy to use app that will incorporate multiple financial functions in addition to some of the basic calculations needed. Financial calculators may put finances in perspective when considering funding or potential capital issues.

5. 37 Signals (Basecamp & Campfire)

Although not technically an “app”, this is a company that provides exceptional tools for project management. The apps that accompany the service can be leveraged by entrepreneurs to define tasks and help them manage a workforce. Two of the programs I recommend are Basecamp and Campfire, both for collaboration and project management.

6. Skype

Being available for potential customers no matter what method they want to use in order to communicate may be important. Skype allows for a less expensive option when making those calls to contacts who also use Skype. This may be a great solution for those with contacts throughout the world.

7. STL Contacts Manager

This is an app that helps entrepreneurs manage their contacts in a phonebook style. This app has a quick launch, one click contact options, multiple email, fast contact creation and also happens to be Skype compatible. For those entrepreneurs looking for a good phonebook app, this one works great.

8. WordPress

This app allows the instant updating of blogs. For those entrepreneurs that use WordPress, they know that not only is it a great blogging platform, but is exceptional at managing all kinds of content. This is a favorite app of many entrepreneurs because of what it can do to keep things updated on the fly.

9. Pro HDR

For those entrepreneurs looking to take some high quality photos using their mobile device, this app transforms normal pics into epic works of art. This app will have special significance to any business owner with a project centered on the visual side of business including websites or web design, photography, travel, and many other niches.

10. LinkedIN

The social network for professionals has been LinkedIn for quite some time. This app allows for easy updates to the service and opportunities to network without requiring a laptop or desktop computer. Communication back and forth is one way to use the device via the LinkedIn messaging, and the opportunity to look up contacts on the fly that may not be a part of your phonebook app yet is a great way to have information at your fingertips to help close that next big deal.

These apps all have some application and depending on the direction each entrepreneur takes, these may offer some great value to help build a business, work on a project, stay connected, or just stay entertained.

Written by James a Internet Entrepreneur currently working with the premier find a phone number site come and say hello @FirespinJay

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