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Privacy, Behavioral Tracking, Targeting – Protect Consumers

Privacy in Online Behavioral Tracking and Targeting – It’s Time to Protect Consumers

News Update by Rebecca Jeschke -??September 1st, 2009

EFF and a coalition of other consumer and privacy groups called on Congress today to protect Americans’ privacy from invasive online behavioral tracking and targeting.

In letters sent to the House Energy and Commerce Committee and two subcommittees, the groups delivered a legislative primer:

“Tracking people???s every move online is an invasion of privacy. It???s like being followed by an invisible stalker ??? individuals aren???t aware that it???s happening, who is tracking them, and how the information will be used. They???re not asked for their consent and have no meaningful control over the collection and use of their information, often by third-parties with which they have no relationships.”

These third-parties ??? companies like Omniture, Double Click, AdBrite ??? can can combine online activity across the Web with offline data, creating detailed profiles and serving ads based on users’ behavior.

via Privacy in Online Behavioral Tracking and Targeting – It’s Time to Protect Consumers | Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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