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Facebook Privacy Blowup Again?

It’s stunning that companies can continuously cause privacy uproars and come back over and over. There are just a few vocal users who do care about privacy and some vocal pressure from privacy organizations – but users, in general, put up with it and stay. Few worry about how their personally identifiable information is treated. Users just don’t care that much.

Here’s a poke at Facebook from British tech journal, the Register.

Facebook has once again decided to tweak its privacy policy, but this time the Mark Zuckerberg-run company has told its users to expect another overhaul ahead of making the changes – presumably in an effort to prevent the kind of protest the Web2.0rhea site suffered last year.

On Friday Facebook???s deputy general counsel Michael Richter said in a wishy-washy blog post that the firm planned to introduce some new features to its site, but didn???t actually reveal much about what its 400 million users can expect to see change.

???We’re proposing another set of revisions to our Privacy Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities to make way for some exciting new products we’re contemplating,??? he said.

via Facebook prepares for another privacy row with its users ??? The Register.

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