Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

How to Write a Business Plan in 30 Days – Oh, Yes You Can!

A Business Plan in 30 days? Yes you can do it.

By Dee Power

Getting started on the business plan is often the biggest hurdle in the whole process of business planning. The project can be overwhelming. While the concept of business planning has tremendous merit, the actual implementation of the process can be daunting, even if you have written a business plan before. One of the most effective ways of completing any project, is to break it into smaller more manageable segments.

Business Plan Calendar Develop a calendar for the target dates for completion of the business plan by segment. 30 days is a reasonable amount of time to complete your plan. Most business plans take between 40 to 120 hours to complete. Allow two weeks for others to review the plan and give you their suggestions for improvements and then an additional week to incorporate those improvements into your business plan, and for a final read through and proofing. You can work on more than one part of the business plan at the same time. You can research say, competition while you write the Industry section.

Assuming you start the business plan on July 1, your calendar could look something like this:

There! You’ve done a Business Plan in 30 Days.

Dee Power and Brian Hill are authors of
"Attracing Capital From Angels: How Their Money
and Their Experience Can Help You Build a
Successful Company,"
published by John Wiley & Sons 2002
and "Inside Secrets To Venture Capital",
published by John Wiley & Sons 2001
available in bookstores nationwide

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