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How to Write an FTC Guides Disclosure Policy

Effective on December 1, 2009, online affiliates, resellers, bloggers, podcasters, video producers, and other producers of consumer-generated online content began to be regulated in their online endorsements and testimonials by Guides issued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and failure to comply can result in a hefty $11,000 fine imposed by the FTC.

Now that the initial buzz on the Web has analyzed when and under what circumstances endorsers are required to disclose “material connections” with their advertisers, the next big questions are:

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What is a Disclosure Policy?

In the context of the Guides, a Disclosure Policy is a written statement by an endorser that discloses the endorser’s relationship with an advertiser and any related financial interest with the advertiser or the advertiser’s products or services.

In a nutshell, a Disclosure Policy is the means of compliance with the Guides for endorsers.

What’s in a Disclosure Policy?

An effective Disclosure Policy should contain the following statements indicating:

Here’s an example for a blogger who operates a book review site:

How to Handle Banner Ads?

The question is a good one. And the answer is: “it depends”.

The Guides set forth general principles the FTC will use in evaluating endorsements and testimonials. For purposes of the Guides, the term “endorsement” includes “testimonials”.

The Guides do not regulate advertisements.

The key question is how to distinguish an endorsement from an advertisement? According to the Guides, this is how to determine the difference between the two.

So, how to apply the foregoing to banner ads? It appears to be a grey area. Here’s why.

The answer depends in part on the nature of the ad and how it’s perceived by consumers. For relatively sophisticated consumers (savvy Web surfers and online shoppers), it would be clear that the typical banner ad would be perceived as an ad, not as an endorsement. Relatively unsophisticated consumers, however, may perceive the banner ad differently (i.e. as speaking for the party that placed the ad on its website).

In grey areas, the recommended approach is a conservative one, particularly in situations where compliance would be relatively easy and inexpensive. To resolve all doubt, it would be a good idea to simply place a Disclosure Policy on the site that states that banner ads are not endorsements and reflect the messages of the advertiser only.

If your website is classified as an “endorser” by the Guides, you should make compliance your highest priority. The possibility of an $11,000 fine for non-compliance should be a major concern.

[This article is provided for educational and informative purposes only. This information does not constitute legal advice, and should not be construed as such]

Copyright ?? 2010 Chip Cooper

About the Author: Leading Internet, IP, and software lawyer, Chip Cooper, has published a new e-book, FTC Guides How to Comply – Legally, to show advertisers and endorsers alike how to comply with the new FTC Guides, and particularly, how to write and post an effective FTC Guides Disclosure Policy. It’s a simple, nuts and bolts approach, complete with legal forms and sample policies, and it’s available for immediate download.

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