Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

3 Tips For Running A Small Business

man-in-chairOnce you take the first steps to start a business, the process can become overwhelming. There’s so much information available, you don’t know where to begin. You know exactly what you want to do, and you already have a product or service you want to provide. Aside from all that, you’ve figured out your niche and target market. There’s just so much out there with the internet, books and magazines full of advice from experts in every field. You have to go into it with a strategy and stick to the basics. Any successful business in this day and age has to stick to a few golden rules if they want to become a staple brand.


It doesn’t matter if you’ve been in business ten days or ten years, your office space has to be in order. When you’re trying to keep track of supplies, inventory, and budgets; organization will be one of the keys to success. There are simple ways to start getting organized. A desk calendar and an appointment book can help you with time management. When it comes to the paperwork take the time to color code and alphabetize files and folders. Then backup your paperwork on an external drive.

Provide Quality Customer Service

In a global marketplace where the consumer has no physical contact with your brand (like in a store), building relationships can be challenging. Providing quality customer service is a core principle in any successful business strategy. Once you establish your company as bring responsible, trustworthy, and ethical; word travels fast. One too many incidents of bad customer service can kill a company.

Delivery Service

In order to fully go global, you have to create a foolproof shipping and delivery methodology. To compete, express delivery service is essential. The standard delivery time is three day and next day service, around the world. You’re expected to house, transport and safely deliver the customer’s merchandise at an affordable rate. When people spend their hard earned money, they want their stuff fast and all in one piece.

There are a number of theories and philosophies for small business success. These three tips work whether you’re trying to turn your hobby into extra cash, or start a corporation. Entrepreneurship can change your life. When you chart a clear vision with goals and objectives, the possibilities are infinite. If you find yourself in a position where you don’t know what to do next, go back to the basics.

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Jake Alexander is a writer who has expertise in running a small business. Follow him @JakeAlexander17.

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