Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

All The Help You Need – Some Invaluable Services For Entrepreneurs

There are countless ways to make money online and if you’re a savvy entrepreneur you will know that you should have as many different revenue streams as possible in order to generate the very most revenue and avoid keeping all your eggs in one basket. In short, if you earn money online then you should have your cash coming in from as many different sources as possible and you should be constantly on the lookout for new ways to generate cash.

So what is it that holds many people back and prevents them from making as much money as they should be able to? Well often it’s the simple fact that they don’t have time to learn all these new skills. Just because you work ‘online’ doesn’t mean that you know how to program Android apps, or that you know how to publish websites – and learning these new skills takes time and thus divides attention away from your other focuses.

Well don’t worry – because no matter what it is that you’re interested in dipping your toes into, the web has you covered. Of course you’re not alone in not wanting to learn Java and how to write your own music, and that’s why there are so many great services out there to help you get started and to help you to concentrate on the marketing and the design without having to worry about learning whole new skill sets. Here are just some of the tools that are up and ready for you to use in order to start making money in a variety of different ways.


WordPress has been around for some time now and so most people are familiar with its wonders. Basically for those not in the know, if you want to make a website or a blog but don’t know anything about HTML or site design, then WordPress is for you. All you need to do is to download and install the files onto your server, and from there you will be able to create new posts and choose designs you like by interacting with the simple and self-explanatory interface. Very useful.

Game Salad

Game salad is a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to get involved in making iPhone and Android apps and will let you focus on designing great games without having to learn a spot of coding. It’s very easy to use and you can get games up on Android in just a few days to start earning you money.


Publishing and selling books is a great way to make money with minimal investment and technical knowledge. With Lulu though this just got even cheaper and easier – allowing you to upload your PDF and even Word documents and then have them turned into ‘Print on Demand’ books that will be published whenever anyone buys one.


Shapeways is along the same lines of Lulu but focusses on 3D printing rather than publishing. This way you can turn your AutoCad plans into actual physical items of jewelry or ornaments that anyone can purchase.

This guest post was written by internet marketing coach Brad Campbell, he likes to write about business, making money online and entrepreneurship.

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