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A Few Important Tips For Small Business Email Marketing

Looking to get your small business email marketing campaign up and running? Here are a few tips to help you make the most of it.

You MUST Have Permission

Spam … no one likes it. And now with laws in place, if you are a spam sender then you can expect some hefty fines in your future. Yet, for many small business owners, the number one mistake made when it comes to email marketing is adding people to their mailing list without proper permission.

Understand this: just because someone is in your personal contact list, that does not mean you can add them to your small business email list. All it takes is a few complaints and you are going to be in a world of hurt.

Don’t Overdo It

Just because someone signed up to your email list doesn’t mean they want an email in their box every day (or 5 times a day) from you. You don’t want to come off as a pushy salesman. Because when push comes to shove, you’ll find yourself shoving your potential client right out the door. Instead, learn how to lead up to making your offer. Timing is everything.

Brand Your Emails

Want people to connect with you? Make sure you use your emails for brand building. Include logos, taglines, and even the style of copy you would normally use.

Make Sure if Images are Disabled That People Can Still Read it Easily

Especially if recipients are opening your emails at work, they may never see the images. That said, it’s extremely important that your email is easy to read without the images. Otherwise customers will open it and get annoyed. And your email will end up dumped in the trash can-never read.

Write with a Limited Timeframe in Mind

Remember, it’s a fast paced world we live in. The recipients of your email don’t want to have to sift through paragraph after paragraph of text to figure out what you want them to do. Make sure that right away they have a good idea of your offer and what action you want them to take.

Call Them to Action

As with all marketing pieces, the number one copywriting rule is to make sure you tell your customers what to do. Call them to action!

Using the above tips, you can have a successful small business email marketing campaign!

Craig Klein is the leader of Sales Nexus, which a contact management software company that also provides and small business email marketing solutions.

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