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Facebook Share Button Like Retweet & Digg

Each week, users share more than 2 billion pieces of content on Facebook, and most of that sharing is facilitated by Facebook Share buttons across the Web, on websites like YouTube, Wall Street Journal, and Photobucket. With just a few lines of code, Facebook Share is the simplest Facebook Connect, feature you can add to a website. Today we’re making the sharing experience on Facebook and off even richer by launching the next version of Facebook Share, with a live counter, as well as new ways to measure how content is being shared on Facebook.

Enabling Users to Share Content More EasilyOnce you’ve added the Share button to your website, your visitors can share articles and rich media like video, audio, or images with their friends on Facebook. To make this sharing more interactive, we’ve added new functionality to show a live count of the number of times the current URL has been shared. Check out the new version of Share live now on The Huffington Post and BuzzFeed

via Facebook Developers | Facebook Developers News.

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