Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

Blogging for Other Blogs, BeMyGuest, Blogger

WebSite101 and I blog on small business entrepreneurs, startups and I’m participating in BeMyGuest Blogging month, which encourages bloggers to guest blog for other blogs, while inviting others to create guest posts on their own blogs. I heard about the monthlong event on FIR (For Immediate Release) PR & Social Media podcast with Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson.

I’ve been actively seeking guest bloggers for WebSite101 and have so far found two entrepreneurs to join in as regular contributors. Today I heard Shel & Neville discuss the BeMyGuest program, running through the month of March.

So this is an open call for guest bloggers on social media, SEO, marketing, incorporation and business plans interested in BeMyGuest month.

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