Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

Jump on Blogging and RSS Feeds or Be Left Behind!

Viruses and the deluge of the cyberspace version of junk mail, spam, has forced marketers to look for new ways to get back into the surfer’s eye. Spam filters hinder many of today’s marketers. That ezine you spent hours producing is often routed to the garbage bin without your intended audience ever seeing it. Now that’s not nice, but overwhelming piles of unsolicited emails are thrown into virtual mailboxes around the globe. Do you read your spam mail?

The wise and prudent are jumping on a trend that was relegated to personal use until about a year ago – blogging and RSS Feeds. These new tools have become the latest marketing craze to hit the Internet. Why? The advantages they present are amazing, cost effective, and can get your site indexed in the blink of an eye. No wonder marketing gurus are smiling like the Cheshire cat!

Andrew logged onto his usual My Yahoo! page early in September 2004, and was startled to see that it had had a make-over. Really, he thought only women did that! What was this RSS feed information blaring across the screen anyway? It took a little bit of investigation, but Andrew soon discovered that this news could mean extra money in his pocket.

He nearly spilled his lukewarm coffee on the keyboard when he realized that he could get his website in front of more than 20 million viewers with such amazing ease! People everywhere were touting RSS feeds and blogs as the backdoor to Yahoo! – and what a place to be! He’d spent endless hours trying to implement search engine optimization techniques in order to do this very thing.

Andrew is still shaking his head in wonder – even after several months of high web traffic and amazing profits. Such a simple way to get your product in front of people, save money, and escape spam filters should have a catch! he constantly says to himself. But so far, he only has extra money in his account to show for jumping on the blog and RSS band wagon.

What techniques have you employed to get your site listed? The great lengths people will go to amaze me. I recently wrote fifty search engine optimization articles about baby strollers for a gentleman desperately attempting to get his website noticed. How much can you say about baby strollers, and how many ways can you say it without becoming buggy yourself? RSS feeds and blogging take the hard work, sweat and tears out of marketing. The current search engine optimization techniques are now becoming a relic of the past.

We all know that the virtual world is constantly changing. Anyone who is going anywhere on the Net has to be on the ball, and ready to get in on the first level of these new changes. Are you going to be left behind in the marketing realm?

Copyright ?? 2005 Craig Desorcy

About Author: Craig Desorcy is an Internet enthusiast who Lives and works in Japan, spending most of his free time on the internet running his blog and websites of interest.

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