Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

PR Distribution Service & Social Media Press Releases

PR has evolved to an entirely new place in the past two years or so. The transition has been taking place since the web made it possible to engage via social media, add video, link to twitter and facebook pages and online optimization of press releases. Social media news rooms have been discussed and PR distribution channels such as PRWeb and BusinessWire have built in tools to include each of these elements.

I listened to an interview with Adam Parker, CEO of RealWire (UK) by Shel Holtz, from one host of my favorite podcasts, called “For Immediate Release” today. I checked out RealWire and an associated press release search site called – a PR search engine. Looks promising for small business PR. This is the promotional video from the RealWire site. Seems like an interesting service. I’ll report back after trying it out myself.

RealWire – Releasing Influence from RealWire on Vimeo.

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