Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

Are You Using Social Media To Your Advantage?

Happy Saint Patricks’ Day! Today is all about the ‘green’. We are always looking for more ways to increase our green by making improvements to our small business. Tweaking, trying new ideas, getting advice and generally doing whatever we can to make more money. To support our self, our families and whatever other endeavors we want to try. Social Media is the hot topic these days and I think we should all ask the question-Are we doing it right, using it to our advantage. There is so many opinions, ideas and thoughts on the subject that it still is not exhausted. Small Biz Trends has put together a synopsis of more ideas to take in, embrace and see if they work for you.

Think social media will work for your company? Prove it. Many business leaders have questioned (and probably still question) the value of social media as a marketing, customer relations, branding and PR tool. You could show them all the data you want and put them in touch with plenty of success stories, but in the end, only one kind of evidence is likely to change any one???s mind.

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