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Online Training Courses – How ELearning Benefits Everyone

Lois Bey, the first female to ever graduate from the chemical engineering department at the Illinois Institute of Technology, once shared her secret for success in life. Her secret is, “Learn something new every day under the sun. You will never get old if you do.”

Learning will also keep you employed. In 2009 the unemployment rate for adults age 25 and over without a high school degree rose to nearly 15%. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that math – no high school degree means less chance at a job.

However only 8% of adults age 25 and over with some college were jobless during that same time period, and the rate was below 5% for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher. The message is clear. The more education you have, the better your job prospects.

Online IT Training Is for Everyone

Education is important in the workplace, especially in the IT industry. Even if you do not have a college diploma, beginner level online courses can help you attain the necessary certifications that qualify you for jobs that work with Cisco and other big networking systems.

Online course have so many benefits for those planning to take a networking certification exam. But they also offer benefits to the employer, the client, and the other employees who work within the company. Here are some of examples:

Online courses are paramount for anyone who wishes to perform well on their certification exam and achieve a good final score. Once you have your certification, then it shows you have the skills and experience to handle troubleshooting services for problems in the network.

Online Courses and the IT Industry

The IT industry is growing by leaps and bounds, but one thing that remains the same is that anyone wishing to get into this field will be required to have a network certification. For many people that certification is the CCNA, which stands for Cisco Certified Network Associate.

The purpose of the CCNA certification is to emphasize the technology and skill set necessary for working with small networks that are both IP and non-IP in nature. Passing the course requires, among other things, a basic history of networking and knowledge of basic network management and security.

Some organizations provide live training courses complete with materials to prepare those who plan to take the certification exam. However many others choose e-learning through online courses, whether it is an entire course or just practice exams. And some others choose to learn offline.

Self-Learning versus Online Learning

There are many materials available to prepare you for taking a certification exam necessary for a job in the IT industry. This could include everything from printed materials to apps for your iPad, iPhone, or Android smartphone.

However it takes a lot of self-discipline to be able to keep up with all the studying required to have the knowledge necessary for passing the exam with a good score. This is where online learning provides the best benefits for those preparing to take a certification exam.

Online courses are affordable, and web reviews as well as testimonials from previous students allow you to learn about the courses before making a commitment. Because you can take the course from your laptop at any location that has a stable WiFi connection, there are no travel costs involved.

Finally taking an online course gives the best results when you opt for ones that provide official training for your network of choice. One example is Cisco CCNA video trainingprograms which use course materials approved by Cisco.

Canadian freelancer Mark Harris has found success as both a writer and an internet marketer. When it comes to benefiting from online courses, he always reads the guides at to find the best opportunities. During his free time Mark and his wife escape to nearby Vancouver where they play tourist in their own city.

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