Mike Valentine


#Business #101 2010-03-21: #Business #101 Seven Ways to Add Value to Your Self-Help or Business Book: When… https://bit.ly/c2FPK1 #Business #101 Startup Sency Real-time Search, Filtering & Personalization Challenge: Real Time Search sta… https://bit.ly/doqTUh #Business #101 [...]

Real Time Search startup founder Evan Britton has written here about the Sency offering and we’ve begun using the Sency widget on the shoulder of WebSite101 because it is, so far, the least noisy of [...]

Google, Dell, Nokia, T-Mobile, Yahoo, Dell and BBC Meet in Amsterdam to Discuss Monetization Strategies for Location Based Services and Data Europe’s biggest Location Based Services conference is being held on April 28th – 29th [...]