Mike Valentine

Bridgestone Tire Whale Tail Superbowl Commercial: Super Bowl Ads 2010 Improbable whale of a story has a killer whale in a truck with an unceremonious return to the ocean. Bridgestone Tire ad barely mentions tires [...]

Superbowl ads with Danica Patrick getting a massage from a Godaddy Girl Wannabe who interrupts the massage to seek fame as a spokesperson for Godaddy. Super Bowl Commercials 2010


#youtubeadblitz SuperBowl XLIV Commercial to Include Google?: https://bit.ly/bzGqRk 15:44:32 #Business #101 Bud Light House Super Bowl Commercial: Superbowl Ads 2010: Related posts:Super Bowl 44 Ads: Sup… https://bit.ly/czORWp 16:01:27 #youtubeadblitz Google 2010 Superbowl Commercial: Super Bowl [...]