1971: Computer engineer Ray Tomlinson sends the first electronic mall message. Tomlinson has since forgotten what the message said. (Tomlinson died March 5, 2016) 1976: Queen Elizabeth II becomes first head of state to send [...]
Mike Valentine
Often it takes 10 meetings to decide which developers should be involved in a project, another 10 to figure out how to resource the team and forever to decide the name for the project that [...]
#Business #101 Best of Business 101 ??? Week of 03-06-2011: #Business #101 Best of Business 101 ??? Week of 27-05-20… https://bit.ly/kKaQ3J -> Deadline to Apply for GrowLab and Launch@GROW Fast Approaching https://zite.to/iRTT8W via @Ziteapp -> [...]