Target your Online Advertising with Portals
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Tightly Target Your Online Advertising Efforts with Portals
by Mike Banks Valentine

It is possible to advertise in extremely targeted markets even
down to a very small city if you know about portal sites and
directories as well as ezines which target specific geographic
areas or countries.

Portal and directory sites often focus on a single topic with a
very narrow audience, which allows you to find low-cost
advertising with exposure only to your targeted market.

As a web professional I work with people around the world,
but pay particular attention to local directories and portals
within my geographic region knowing that many clients like to
work with someone that they can meet face to face and talk
with in person.

If you visit my home page at you will
note that I have two local directory links on the bottom of my
page. This is of interest only to people who live in my area
north of San Francisco. I've listed my site and descritpion of
services with those local portals that also offer banner
advertising to local businesses. This way, only local clients
would see any advertising placed on these sites. It is
available to the world, but mostly local folks go to those

If you want to target a particular industry, topic or subject
within a small region, you can find these portal sites in most
communities online. Find local businesses in your subject or
target area and see if they have ezines or newsletters sent
out by email. If so, they will very likely offer advertising at a
reasonable rate. But because the audience is very targeted,
your response rates will be much higher. You must clearly
understand your target market in order to take advantage of
these advertising opportunities.

Good luck with your advertising campaign!

WebSite101 "Reading List" Weekly Netrepreneur Tip Sheet Ezine emphasizing small business online e-tutorial online at: By week's end you're ready expand your business to the web! --------------------------------------------------------
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July 26, 2001