Five Ways to Build Your Online Audience Offline

With so much attention on search engine optimization and social marketing it is easy to forget that there is a world beyond Google and Facebook. But there are plenty of digital businesses and websites that generate decent revenue and pull in valuable, converting traffic while barely making a ripple in the all-important search engines or even bothering to set up a profile.

There is of course a whole world of promotion beyond the internet and just because your business may exist primarily on the web doesn’t mean you should forget about promoting it offline as well.

Some of the biggest names in the online world are experts at positioning themselves well both on the world wide web and in the world beyond the web, having built up reputations that stretch far beyond the computer. And no matter what your size of business or how well you are ranking for your key search terms, there are still offline avenues for you to pursue as you bid to grow your traffic. Here are five ways to promote your work away from the internet:

Business cards

For new media pioneers such an archaic practice as handing out business cards may seem unnecessary. But you have to remember not everybody is on LinkedIn or finds their way to websites through search engines. You never know who you will meet when you’re out and about so having a collection of business cards with your web address on it can always come in handy.

Print advertising

Web marketers can often be skeptical about traditional print advertising because it is less easy to quantify and analyse than pay per click or digital advertising. But a presence in print publications can add a certain authority to your site, increase your brand awareness and, especially if you include an incentive within the advert, can drive direct and targeted traffic.


Just like print advertising, printing flyers can seem an expensive and risky outlay when compared with online marketing activity but if your business is keen to attract customers or visitors who do not necessarily spend their whole time online then this can be an essential tool. If you are keen to attract new mothers to your pushchair affiliate site for example then a few leaflets around local nurseries in your area can be an affordable way to drive some very targeted traffic.

Get a presence in the press

Sending out press releases is not only a great way to drive traffic from news websites but if you make it into the printed press, trade magazines or other publications then it is a great way to build your profile, reputation and ultimately improve the credibility of your site. Just because readers can’t necessarily click straight on to a link doesn’t mean they won’t look you up next time they are online.

Get out and network

Skype, GoToMeeting, instant messaging, there are plenty of tools and resources out there which mean you can run an online business without barely having to set foot outside your home office. But getting out, shaking a few hands and meeting people face to face can still be a great way to build your audience. Choose relevant trade shows and conferences and you can connect with some fantastic contacts, build lasting relationships with other authorities who will help build your online presence and meet plenty of potential customers too.

This article has been put together by iDream Design, specialists in Web Design Cambridge. iDream Design delivers complete website solutions from web design and copywriting to conversion rate optimization and online marketing.

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