The entirety of Marketing History in a single infographic!

History of marketing infographic
HubSpot Marketing Software
Until very recently, marketing consisted almost entirely of Outbound marketing. The period up until around the dot-com bubble consisted of marketing mediums that supported outbound-type marketing.
Marketing Timeline:
1450 Gutenberg invents Movable type making mass printing possible for the first time.
1730’s Magazines First emerge as a medium. First American magazine — published in 1741 in Philadelphia.
1839 Posters Appear. They are so popular they have to be banned on property in London.
1867 BILLBOARDS Earliest recorded billboard rentals
1920-1949 The emergence of new mediums
1922 Radio advertising begins. In 1933, the percentage of U.S. homes with radio passes the HALFWAY MARK. (55.2%, up from essentially 0% in 1921)
1941 TV
First recorded use of television advertising commercial for Bulova clocks reaches 4,000 TV sets.
1946 Telephones – Telephone household penetration passes the 50% MARK.
1950-1972 MARKETING GROWS UP During this era. more mediums mean more opportunities for marketing.
- TV revenues grow from 5% of total ad spending in 1953 to 15% in 1954.
- TV ad revenue surpasses magazine and radio ad sales.
- Radio ad revenue drops 9% after the prior year’s dip of 2%.
1970 Telemarketing emerges as a common tactic.
1972 Magazines – For the first time, print media feels the Monetary Pinch of outbound marketing. Time Inc. shuts down Life magazine after 36 years. It cites competition from television and the prospect of postal rate increases as factors in its demise.
1973-1994 THE DIGITAL AGE EMERGES During this era, new emerging technologies continue to change the marketing landscape, enabling new forms of marketing to gain strength and mature.
1973 MOBILE April 3,1973, Motorola researcher Dr. Martin Cooper makes the first hand-held mobile phone call.
1981-1984 COMPUTERS IBM Corp. introduces the IBM personal computer. Three years later during SuperBowl 43 in 1984, Apple launches its mega-successful Macintosh with an epic Super Bowl commercial directed by Ridley Scott. The ad cost $900,000 to make. Ad reach: 46$% of American Households.
1985 Print advertising is made even easier with the emergence of desktop publishing and the personal computer, leading to an explosion in print advertising.
1990-1994 2G mobile network advancements precede an explosion in the rise of cell phone usage, paving the way for future advancements like SMS messaging, which arrives in 1992.
Newspaper ad revenue in 1985: $25 BILLION
TV displaces newspapers
1990-1998: Total advertising revenues on cable television grew from $2.4 billion to an estimated $8.3 Billion
INTERNET & EMAIL SPAM l994 Phoenix Law firm Cantor and Seigel advertises their services on several thousand newsgroups. This is likely the first automated, large-scale commercial example of spam. It is also the incident that makes the term popular.
1995-2002 new technologies continue to emerge and become adopted by wide audiences.
Mobile phones gain popularity, and the Internet becomes a viable tool for commerce, opening the doors for an explosion in marketing.
YAHOO! and Altavista search engines launch in 1995, followed shortly after by in 1997.These services help users find the information, products, and services they desire.
December 1995 16 MILLION Number of people using the web and searching .4% of world population.
December 1997 70 MILLION Number of people using the web and searching 1.7% of world population.
1995-1997 SEO
The first recorded use of the term “Search Engine Optimization” was at a multimedia marketing group by John Audette. At this time, search algorithms rely on webmaster-provided information like meta data, keyword density, and other on-page factors.
1998 Search Evolves – Google & MSN launch new search engines. Google introduces PageRank, which is the metric Google uses to determine how websites should rank. It is a function of the quality and strength of inbound links. This, along with on-page factors, is used to determine the results that are delivered.
2000 PPC Adwords Starts
2005 Google Analytics Arrives. Today (2012), Google Analytics is used by 49.1% of all websites which is a traffic analysis tool market share of 80.8%.
2000 sees a 500% INCREASE – 1999 Only a handful of blogs exist. Brad Fitzpatrick starts LiveJournal in March 1999.
Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan launch in August 1999, later purchased by Google in 2003. By mid 2006 50 million blogs exist
2000 The BUBBLE POPS Tech related growth is reflected in a 500% Increase. The dot-com bubble burst on March, 10, 2000 when the NASDAQ composite index peaked at 5,048.62
The Age of Inbound Marketing After the dot-corn bubble burst, the Internet begins to enter a new age, characterized by a greater emphasis on information sharing, user-centered design, and collaboration. This new trend leads to consumers engaging with brands in new ways. Instead of simply pushing advertising at consumers online, the benefits of CREATING VALUE FOR CUSTOMERS and earning their business begins to take hold.
2003 FIGHTING SPAM Email users win big against spammers when the CAN-SPAM ACT is signed into law by George W. Bush and establishes the U.S.’s first national standards against sending unsolicited commercial email. The Acronym: Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act.
2003-2004 SOCIAL MEDIA BEGINS Myspace Founded. Linkedin Founded. Facebook Launched in 2004.
TELEMARKETING – Consumers become even more disillusioned with invasive Outbound marketing tactics and See the National Do Not Call Registry implemented. *Today, there are more than 200 MILLION AMERICANS on the Do Not Call List.
EMAIL MARKETING Feb. 16, 2004, 18-year-old Anthony Greco is the first person to be arrested under the Can-Spam act. He pleads guilty.
2005 SEO Google begins personalized search results that are informed by your PAST SEARCH HISTORY.
ANALYTICS Google-branded version of Analytics launches in November. The demand for it is so high that new signups are suspended after just one week. It becomes fully available in August 2006.
2006 HubSpot Launches
E—COMMERCE Amazon sales top $10 Billion this rises to nearly $25 billion in 2009
SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter Launches
2007 Mobile 295 million subscribers on 3G networks exist worldwide, popularizing music and video streaming. This still only reflects 9% of the total worldwide subscriber base. 3G telecoms generate over $120 billion in revenue.
2009 Google Instant Launches for real-time search results.
2010 EMAIL MARKETING 90% of emails are Spam
CELLPHONES 90% of US households have a cellphone.
2011 GOOGLE—PALOOZA Google Panda launches updates favor social sharing in algorithm) Launch of Google+ and +1 integrate Into search.
DVRs in U.S. households top 42% as more viewers skip commercials than ever before.
PHONEBOOKS San Francisco bans distribution of unsolicited Yellow Pages.
1 in 2 Americans owns a smartphone.
INTERNET usage surpasses time spent watching television for younger demographics. Young people 13-24 spend 13.6 hours watching TV vs. 13.7 online.
INBOUND MARKETING costs 62% less than outbound marketing. 60% Lower cost Per Lead with Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing
2012 SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media and Blogs = Real Customers and Leads! Percent of channel users who acquired a customer through that channel
- 41% twitter
- 41% Linkedin
- 44% Facebook
- 46% Company Blog
Marketers plan to increase their social media budget by 64% In 2012. the audience of Internet users in the U.S. will expand by 3.1% to 239 million, representing 75.6% of the total population. In other words, more than 3/4 of the will be online in 2012. Facebook will reach About 143.4 Million U.S. users in 2012. Up 8.2% from 132.5 million in 2011. More than 90% of social network users will be on Facebook in 2012.
- All Smartphone users will reach 106.7 million in 2012, up 18.1% from 2011
- Mobile Internet Users will reach 113.9 million in 2012, up 17.1% from 97.3 million in 2011
- 94% smartphone users will be mobile Internet users.
- All mobile phone users will reach in 2012, up 2.3% from 2011.
- Mobile shoppers will reach 72.8 million In 2012.
- Mobile buyers will reach 37.5 million In 2012.
- Smartphone shoppers will reach 68.6 million In 2012.
- Smartphone buyers will reach 36.4 million In 2012.
- Tablet users will reach 54.8 million in 2012. up 62.8% from 33.7 million in 2011.
- In 2012, iPad users will reach 41.9 MILLION. 76.4% of tablet users will be iPad users.
- Adult-aged eReader users will reach 45.6 million up from 33.3 million in 2011
- Online video viewers will reach 169.3 million in 2012.
- 53.5% of the population and 70.8% of internet users will watch online video in 2012
- Mobile video viewers will reach 54.6 million in 2012.
- Smartphone video viewers will reach 51.2 million in 2012.
- E-COMMERCE Online shoppers will reach 184.3 million, up 3.3% from 2011.
- Online buyers will reach 154.6 million, up up 4.4% from 2011.
- 88.1% of U.S. Internet users ages 14+ will browse or research producers online in 2012.
- 83.9% will make at least one purchase via the web during 2012.
As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, it will no doubt trend toward more and more interactive, two-way communication between consumer and brand. Companies that can provide value and engage customers in meaningful and exciting ways stand to reap tremendous rewards in the coming years.
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