Top 5 Online Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

The Internet can be an effective tool in your marketing arsenal, whether your business is online, offline or a combination of the two. Unlike some other types of marketing methods, the Web has a global reach, giving you access to a wider range of potential customers. With the power of the Internet, the world truly is your oyster.

However, as with any tool, you need to know how to use it effectively to maximize its benefits. In particular, you need to avoid some common Internet marketing mistakes. This post features those mistakes others make and you shouldn’t.

Not Targeting Your Efforts

While it’s true the Internet can give you worldwide access, you need to develop a strategy to reach your ideal target market instead of trying to be all things to all people. While products like home appliances, for example, may appeal to new homeowners, purchasing advertising on websites that cater to teenagers is likely to be a waste of time and money.

Not Emphasizing Benefits

The Internet is a wonderful venue for showing off your products. The use of photos can provide shoppers with a clear, accurate depiction of your products’ features, and the use of videos can show these features in action. However, it’s even more critical to illustrate the benefits your customers will derive from using your products.

Not Testing Your Site

You may have loaded your website with lots of bells and whistles to make it more attractive to potential buyers. If these don’t work when customers click on them, you lose credibility, and ultimately, the customers interest. If a button or link doesn’t work when a customer is in the middle of placing an order, there a good chance you’ll lose the sale.

Not Getting Contact Information

If you don’t have a way of getting shoppers contact information, particularly their email address, you have greater difficulty keeping in touch with them and you’ll miss out on future sales.

Offer them something of value in exchange for the permission to send them regular emails. If you sell Whirlpool appliances, for example, offer to send them a regular email newsletter containing useful maintenance and safety tips.

Not Using Social Media

If you’re not active on social media websites like Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin, you’re missing a valuable opportunity to network with present and future customers. For little effort and expense, these sites allow you to reach the prospects most likely to purchase what you have to offer.

Don’t Get Left Behind

By learning how to harness the power of the Internet, you can take your business to heights you’ve never dreamed of. Don’t get left behind by your competitors that have learned how to thrive online!

Now that you’ve gotten more information about what not to do when you market your appliances shop, your next step should probably be learning more about how to effectively tweet on your KitchenAid appliances. Post written by guest blogger Chris Joseph.

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