Whether you’re a small business owner, a one man operation just starting out, or a large business it’s crucial to put your name out there. If people don’t know who you are, they can’t buy from you. If people can’t buy from you, your business won’t flourish and will cease to exist. Proper marketing strategies are a great way to find and target your audience and let them know what is going on with your business. Getting the word out there that you exist is the only way to stay afloat in this competitive world. Using social media, referral programs or telemarketing services, merchandise, or advertising are all sure fire ways to get noticed. No matter what approach you choose, make sure you do it the right way.

Business cards and merchandise
Making sure that all of your employees carry their own business cards is a great way of getting your name out there. When handing out your cards, don’t just go for your target audience. Hand them over to everyone from different niches and audiences. This guarantees more exposure and generates your business name out into the community. Hand out your business cards at every opportunity, and consider attaching a digital copy of it to the signature portion of your emails as well.
Merchandising is clever and fun way to create promotional tools for your business. Pens and stationary tools are the perfect objects for merchandising, as they are guaranteed to be passed around a lot. This generates more attention for your business and gathers up more potential customers. Anything that can be worn is a sure fire way to spark some interest. Generate company tee shirts or hats, and wear them at events so that your name gets noticed. Merchandise allows you to interact with your potential clients, and puts your name out there in a fun manner.
Social Network and Website
It’s obvious that every good business needs a good website. It’s the hub for your business, and allows people from all over to get to know what you’re about, who you are, what you offer, and what you do. Having a properly running and up to date website is important in attracting the right customers and portraying the right information. Always put this website link on business cards or merchandise! On top of a website, today’s world wide web offers many other technological means of putting yourself out there. Social media web pages such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer many more places for your business to grow online. Creating a page with these websites not only allow you to promote yourself further, but also to connect with your customers! Reaching out to your customer base is an important step in marketing your brand. You want to interact with your customers, seek out their needs, and get to know what they desire from your business. By using these social media sites to effectively communicate with your customers, you can satisfy their requests and create a thriving, happy clientele base.
Marketing Services and Referrals
When you are overwhelmed by all of the other tasks at hand, or cannot manage the time to market yourself effectively that’s when help can be called upon. There are many programs and service companies out there who will aide you in promoting your business. Not only will these programs market your work to potential customers, but also to other potential business partners. When in the business world, you will not only be working with customers, but also with other flourishing businesses. A B2B telemarketing service can make outbound marketing calls to help promote your products and services. Agencies such as these are a great way in allowing you to take on all of your tasks without the worry of your business name fading into the background.
Creating referral programs as an incentive to your customers is a fun way to boost your client intake. Create “referred by” memos on your business cards, so that people can write in their names and pass them around. When a customer approaches your business and shows them who sent them your way, you can offer said customer a discount or award, which then allows the new, referred customer to want to participate as well. Getting your customers involved in your business allows them to feel as though they are also a part of your thriving community.
Get Involved
Put your company name out there in the community by involving yourself in activities. Volunteer for community services, make donations to charities or fundraising events, sign up for contests or business-friendly competitions that do good for surrounding communities. You can even host in-store events at your place of business that offers free beverages, foods, and small means of entertainment while you tell people about what you offer. Create online events or contests where customers can become involved and win awards or discounts. Offer incentives for customers who help promote your business online or on their social media web pages.
From the time you first begin your journey in the business world to the moment you hit the big time, marketing will always be an important step in getting your name out there. Reaching new customers, networking with other businesses, and interacting with people are all important elements in keeping your business alive. Never overlook all of the creative and smart ways you can promote what you have to offer!
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Ashely is a recent college graduate with a degree in business. She likes to share business tips and ideas. To see more, check out her Twitter @ashelymarie1985.