Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

Startup Sency Real-time Search, Filtering & Personalization Challenge

Real Time Search startup founder Evan Britton has written here about the Sency offering and we’ve begun using the Sency widget on the shoulder of WebSite101 because it is, so far, the least noisy of the widgets we’ve tried for “Business” related terms.

Below is an excerpt from VentureBeat on Sency.

Thanks to services like Twitter that let users publish quick messages nearly as fast as they come to mind, a host of real-time search engines have recently emerged ??? engines that quickly index these messages and serve up the most current ones related to a particular search keyword. Sency is the latest startup to jump into this market. And so far, it seems to be keeping its head above water despite all the competition. Its real-time search engine launched in October and has already seen traffic grow from 10k to 150k hits in 5 months.

The occassional street chatter slips through on our chosen topic when you see silly stuff like “Ima Git in Yo Business” and I’d love to see that silliness filtered better – but admit it’s a tough thing to filter.

People use chat slang and SMS language (txtk), but you’d think we could get rid of the worst of it. The toughest part of real-time has got to be filtering for intent – some people may want street slang or SMS language – ??a case for personalized real-time. I don’t want personalization of my standard web search – but do want it for real-time. Go figure. Here’s what VentureBeat has to say on that score:

Competitors such as Collecta, CrowdEye, OneRiot and Topsy each try to offer something unique (usually, in the way they filter real-time search results)…

and later …

While many of the aforementioned startups let users filter results by such things as message source, time and relevance, Sency offers a relatively simple view of results filtered exclusively by time with two separate views of search results: text and links. By splitting links from text, the company is able to better thwart spammers who merge text related to a particular keyword with links directed to their own (unrelated) sites.

Because it’s constantly changing – real-time remember – I could be looking when the results are good. They do seem to get worse (as in more street slang) during the evening – but I’ll end up going with whichever service does the best filtering. Tell me if you see bad results scrolling by in that real-time widget on the right shoulder over there –>

So far, I like Sency best on that count. If I could now tweak the filtering of the widget, I’d be a die-hard fan. There’s a challenge for you Evan Britton. 🙂

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