Why the Real Time Web Is Important to Webmasters: Real Time Search

Every year new technologies are launched on the internet. Some of these technologies stick, others fail. As a webmaster ??? it is important to follow these new technological trends so that you can be immersed in the technologies which are here to stay. And, right now it seems as if the real time web is a technology that is going to continue.

Many different types of search engines have launched over the last few years in an effort to enter the profitable space. Most of these search engines failed because they don???t offer something different which appeals to users. However, there have been a crop of real time search engines, such as Sency, which have exploded onto the scene offering something of value to internet users. With the real time web, any internet user can see what is being said right now about any person, place, or thing. These real time searches can be very useful when you are looking to see the ???pulse of the public??? for any particular keyword.

When there’s a big game, sports fans can now instantly see what people are saying about their team before, during, and after that game. Real time search results are sorted by time, so every day when you perform a search the results will be different from the prior day. So, while on traditional engines it doesn???t make sense to perform the same search day after day ??? because the results are usually static; with the real time search, every day can present new and relevant information. This information can be of use to webmasters and small business in a variety of ways.

In addition to the search functionality, the real time web has brought great tools for webmasters as well. For example, webmasters can post real time content and links on their site through a variety of sources. This article which was recently published discusses 7 free real time tools for publishers. Each of these tools offer a free way to add a sticky resource to your site. These tools are also automated, which means limited or no work needed from you to have an improved site experience for your users.

As the real time web continues to mature, more information will be able to be garnered online. This information can prove to be useful and/or entertaining for the web surfer. Also, the real time web tools are only going to improve making more resources available to web publishers. So, in closing, now is as great time to get involved and learn how you can incorporate the real time web into what you do online.

Evan Britton
Founder, Sency
Sency – What’s Going On?

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