How to Remove Spyware from Your PC

Completely Remove Spyware From Your PC

Most of us who have been using computers long enough to know that we need to protect them from harmful virus, Trojans, worms and other malicious infections. To prevent infections by these malware, we install antivirus tools and run regular full system scans. However, with the increasing popularity of 24×7 Internet through much faster broadband connections, a new generation of malware???spyware and adware???are soon emerging as major threats for computer users. The most common mode of spyware and adware infections is through free software that you may download from the Internet. These malicious programs come bundled with these software programs and then stealthily install themselves. Many spyware programs come disguised as useful tools that you may download and install yourself, not knowing the kind of havoc these malicious programs may created on the system.

Although spyware programs do not generate any direct error message that may indicate an infection, there are some symptoms that may help you diagnose a problem:

  • Your Internet Explorer default home page is changed to another web site that advertises different products.
  • You are bombarded with popup ads and other adware.
  • Your searches in Web browsers are redirected to advertising Web sites.
  • You start noticing programs that you never installed.
  • Your PC slows down dramatically.

These are the visible symptoms of spyware infections. However, these programs can be even more malicious than this. As the names suggests, many of these malicious programs have the capability to spy on your system and track your activities. These programs record your web and work activities to collect your personal and confidential data, such as username/passwords, bank account numbers/credit card numbers and so on. This data can then be transmitted to external sources for malicious use.

Now that you know the harmful effects of spyware, it is essential that you take appropriate measures to prevent them. The following are some the things that you can do.

  • Uninstall Nero and other software that you no longer use. This is important because we usually fail to update software that we don???t use. And, malicious spyware programs may gain entry to your computer through security loopholes in un-updated software.
  • Uninstall Mirar Internet Explorer toolbar and other such software that display unnecessary advertising results and also have a tendency to hijack your Web browser pages to advertising Web sites. For effective removal of unwanted programs you may seek the help of a good third-party program uninstaller tool.
  • Obtain an effective and up-to-date antispyware tool. After installing, run an update to ensure that the tool is equipped to search for the latest spyware. Next, run a thorough scan???at least twice???to detect and remove spyware. For more effective scanning, run the scan by starting your PC in Safe mode.
  • Use a good registry cleaner tool to detect and remove non-removable, embedded spyware registry entries. These entries make it difficult to get rid of spyware and help them reinstall soon after you restart your PC after removing them.

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