WebSite101 is participating in Blog Action Day 2011 – The subject is Food and we’ve proposed an activity to help raise awareness of #BAD11 on Instagram by putting together an activity encouraging instagram iPhoneographers to tag their food related photos with the #BAD11 tags. Below is the promo photo distributed on Instagram, along with the rules for those who choose to participate.

Blog Action Day 2011 - Food
Blog Action Day is Oct 16 I’d like to propose an Instagram activity in support of Blog Action Day
Rules – Use the tag #BAD11 and @RealitySEO – This is intended as an exercise in support of Blog Action Day to help us think about where our food comes from, to pay more attention to what we eat. Photos should illustrate what you think about food or how it affects the lives of those who produce our food. This competition has no prizes except the warm glow of supporting a worthy cause (Blog Action Day).
Photos can include prepared food photos, fresh fruits & veggies – food preparation, food harvesting, food transport, or food production – literally anything to do with food. The intent is to communicate in your photos what food means to you.