Business Leader Personalities

The 20 Types of Executives (part 2) How to Improve Your Performance No Matter What Type You Are

In our first article on this subject, we looked at the types of Executive personalities. Now, we’ll continue with our overview, so you can be better aware of your own type of personality and see how executive coaching could benefit you.

  1. The Status Seeker. The Status Seeker won’t admit it, but he prefers the perquisites over getting results. He or she is very concerned with looking good, getting credit, and building a strong reputation. Fancy titles, big bonuses, special recognition, and the corner office are all important to the Status Seeker. The coach needs to have the status seeker focus on results and accountability first, and the natural status that follows from results second.

  2. The Bottom-Liner. This very driven executive speaks quickly and concisely, has little tolerance for lengthy analysis, makes quick decisions from the gut and wants results yesterday. The Bottom-Liner needs to become more patient and tolerant of people with different styles, and learn to adapt his style to the person he is dealing with.
  3. The Safety First-er. Executives motivated by safety resist change. They may be close to retirement, or simply do not want to rock the boat. Generally they are skilled at keeping their heads down and doing predictable tasks. Their challenge many times is getting outside of their comfort zone.
  4. The Envelope Pusher. The Envelope Pusher has a very high tolerance for risk, sometimes too high. He often is an Early Adopter of new technologies, and is frustrated when others don’t move as quickly as he does. He often has bold new ideas that are ahead of their time, or at least ahead of where the organization is ready to go. This executive is a wonderful asset to an organization, because he is often a source of innovation and a refreshing voice for change. However, sometimes his ideas need to be tempered by the organization’s willingness to change. Also, he may need coaching on focusing on the details and getting results today, regardless of what will be possible tomorrow.
  5. The Visionary. The Visionary is great at painting inspiring pictures of a wonderful future. Unfortunately, he often isn’t very good at developing action plans or figuring out how specifically to achieve the vision. The coach can help bring greater range to the Visionary by working with him on shifting from vision to opportunities and alternatives, and finally to a plan with accountability for making things happen.

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