As a member of the nomadic business class, I appreciate how Apple has managed to make a device as small as the iPhone a truly useful enterprise tool. Thanks to the wildly successful App Store, an amazing number and variety of apps promise to keep me organized, on time, on track, and productive even if my ever-present laptop isn't available.
The question for me, as it is for most users, is exactly which App Store apps will make the iPhone as useful as it can be. What follows is my own personal top 10 list, plus a few extras for good measure. If you use your iPhone (or iPod Touch) for business purposes, you’ll likely come to rely on a few of these apps too.
There were a few ground rules I used in putting this group together — guidelines that made sense to me, as I think they will to a lot of other users. First, because I’m living inside the current economy, I wanted the applications to be as inexpensive as possible.
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