Small Business Tutorials – Domain Names

How to Write Perfect Title, Description & Keyword Meta Tags For SEO

How to Write Perfect Title, Description & Keyword Meta Tags
for Top Search Engine Rank

The incredibly simple techniques discussed below have made hundreds of clients extremely happy by bringing them top ranking for their most important search phrases at the top three search engines after we implemented the 8 items discussed below on their sites. Use them well and make your site rank highly in search engine results for your chosen search phrases & terms!

If you have your site designed by a web development company, don’t be surprised if they leave out this critical step to online success. Make certain that they do these things for you (they will charge you additional for this) OR make certain to hire an SEO firm to consult with them before and during construction of your site to be certain that these basic building blocks of web success are included in the architecture of your web site. If every webmaster (or their hired web developer) does not follow these simple rules for Search Engine Optimization, YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS WILL FAIL!

Small Business Webmasters can increase rankings in the search engines by carefully placing your most important keyword phrases in 8 places on web pages. The very most critical is the TITLE tag, next comes description and keyword “META” tags (Although the keyword tag is ignored by almost every major search engine according to most knowledgeable SEO’s – Search Engine Optimization Specialists). Now understand that you must know or must learn HTML in order to implement the following suggestions. If you don’t know or don’t want to learn HTML, then hire a search optimization firm to do it for you. Alternatively, we offer SEO Training if your company web content management needs warrant it.

If you do understand HTML, let’s proceed to make your site rank in the top 10 search results for your chosen search phrases at each of the search engines

META tags should appear between <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags and those for this page look like this:

<TITLE>Key Word Metatags Search Phrase Tutorial: Title, Description & Keyword Meta Tags</TITLE>

<META Name="description" Content="Web Site 101 Key Word Metatags Search Phrase Tutorial: Title, Description & Keyword Meta Tag & Search Engine Optimization SEO">

<META Name="keywords" Content="word words search tutorial key keyword engine meta tag business rank name tags commerce keywords phrase title content description descriptive phrases seo metatags relevant variations">

In the Keywords Meta tag after Content=” carefully place significant words and phrases (some suggest these be separated by commas) that describe your page. Take care not to include every word that describes your page, only those included in the textual content of your pages (we recommend using keyword density checking tools to include only words representing over 1% textual density of each page). These tags each have upper limits to number of words and characters recommended, and those character limits are commonly included in "Page Critic" function of WebPosition SEO software. Let the tools do that work for you and don’t fret over them.

Recommended character count numbers change, so just try to use a short descriptive sentence of about 10 words as a guideline. The more keywords you use in each of your title, description and keywords tags, the less important each word becomes by dilution. I’ve seen client sites with literally hundreds of keywords jammed into meta tags and using words that are NOT ON THE PAGE. This is pointless and is probably the single most commonly misunderstood and ineffective type of SEO Keyword Meta tag Voodoo practiced by webmasters and you may as well be poking needles in voodoo dolls if you think it will help your site ranking.

Now pay attention, I’m about to explain what many SEO’s gaurd jealously to prevent clients from understanding how simple basic search engine optimization really is.

This ONE Technique Can Make Your Web Site #1

IF you are NOT in a competitive industry. Try ranking a single page using these techniques for unusual terms in your industry or specialty terms important to a model number and brand of product you sell to prove the effectiveness of the techniques. THEN apply the techniques site-wide to multiply the effectiveness across your entire site for important words used on each page. The cumulative effect will improve your ranking overall and prove these basic SEO techniques.

The one key technique that will help you rank well in every search engine is to use the similar related   keywords in EIGHT different places with number 1 is without a doubt and by far the most critically important .

1<TITLE>Important descriptive words & phrases used in a brief complete sentence </TITLE>
2<META Name=”description” Content=” similar related relevant descriptive words plus a few more words, being descriptive and concise as to page textual content”>
3 <META Name=”keywords” Content=”similar related, relevant, descriptive words, plus up to twenty more, but only if they are in the page text on the single page you are working on “> (Just because as long as you are mucking around in the code, you might as well add the keyword meta tags)
4 <H1>HEADLINE Same (using variations) relevant descriptive words as in the TITLE tag </H1>

5 The text on your page, preferably among the FIRST  words in your body text should contain the variations of those same relevant descriptive words and phrases as those in the TITLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS and HEADLINE tags above, using variations in order, word root variations, tense, plurals, bolded, hyperlinked phrases – all within reason and not to extremes.

6 When you create and save this file on your hard drive and before you upload it to your server,name the file with one or two of those relevant descriptive words as the HTML File Name. Like “same-words.html” or “SameWord.htm”.

7 Use Hyperlink text with those same relevant descriptive words and link them to pages with similar file names that include those same words throughout your body text on the page
<A HREF=””>Same or Similar Words and variations </A>

8 If have NOT already reserved a Domain Name, Choose a domain name with one or two of your most important keywords as the URL! So your web address will be

Now PLEASE, be creative and make the text have meaning and relevance. The relevant words in each of those places can differ slightly in order and usage. Use plurals, variations in tense, different modifiers, and variations on the root words. Do this on EVERY page of your web site using keywords that reflect the CONTENT of each single page! Every single page on your site should vary from the others or you are wasting your time! Most pages should have AT LEAST 300 words of body text, with 400 to 500 words better, and usually no more than 1000 words maximum (longer pages are OK, just not helpful for ranking purposes).

NEVER, EVER repeat the same word over and over in any single one of those places, TITLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS META TAGS, HEADLINE OR BODY TEXT! (Such as same, same, same, same, same) This is known as Search Engine Spamming and can get you BANNED from the search engines!

Using hyphenated and un-hyphenated (ecommerce and e-commerce) and commonly misspelled variations is perfectly legitimate and will not hurt your ranking, but it may hurt customer perception of your business, so be careful with those mis-spellings and don’t use them in obvious places if you feel you must target them because they are so often commonly spelled wrong in searches.

Do a search for ANY phrase you can think of and prove to yourself that this ranking technique works by reviewing the number one result returned for each of these ingredients. In almost every case, it will prove true. You will find the words you searched EVERY time in the TITLE tag of the top ten results (unless that phrase simply doesn’t exist online.) I promise! Use the “HTML Source Viewer here at WebSite101 (or the "view source" command in your browser) to view the HTML metatags of this web page. You’ll note that these techniques were used on this very page.

If you are NOT in an extremely competitive category on the web, then you should rank very well with this single technique. If you are in a competitive category, then getting a site ranked well will very likely take a long, focused and determined effort on your part, or hire a professional SEO for faster results. Keep in mind that it takes most search engines a bare minimum of two weeks to spider and index your sites after you have submitted them! It can then take an additional month (sometimes up to 6 months) for your results to start improving.

Do you want to see how the search engines view your pages? Try the Search Engine Simulator tool here at WebSite101 to see how Google, Yahoo and MSN see your pages.

Discussion lists, forums and blogs about web marketing, search engine optimization have substantial, sometimes endless discussion of what works and what doesn’t in keywords metatags and many believe them entirely worthless. So I’ve put together a specialty search engine that looks only at the top 25 blogs by SEO’s and Official Search Engine Blogs so you can see for yourself what they each have to say about keyword meta tags. Ya gotta love technology like this! What do Search Engine Blogs and SEO Bloggers Say about Keyword Metatags? Just click that search button for only 9 results (as of this writing) from the top 25 Search Engine blogs and SEO bloggers. Most of those top 25 find it not worthy of discussion. Keyword meta tags are a miniscule issue and are of little use in ranking any more. Use them if you like, but don’t count on them helping your ranking at all.

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