NextSpace Hosts Event For NFTE

press release

NextSpace to Welcome ???Nifty??? Students Participating in Startup America
NextSpace is hosting a mentorship and networking event for the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) at its San Francisco coworking location on March 22, 2011.

The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship inspires young people from low-income communities to find their paths to success. Having our own community of innovators and entrepreneurs, the mission of NFTE really struck a chord with many of our members.
San Francisco, CA (Vocus/PRWEB) March 10, 2011

On March 22, 2011, the San Francisco location of NextSpace will host a mentorship and networking event for a group of students and mentors from the San Francisco Bay Area program office of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE).

Through NFTE, also known as ???Nifty,??? the students are participating in the Startup America Partnership, and along with larger companies like Google, NextSpace is partnering with NFTE, which provides entrepreneurship education for at-risk high school students from low-income communities. The non-profit???s mission is to provide programs that inspire young people from these communities to stay in school, to recognize business opportunities and to plan for successful futures. To date, NFTE has worked with nearly 350,000 young people from low-income communities in programs across the U.S. and around the world.

NextSpace is hosting the mentoring and networking event at their downtown San Francisco location at 28 Second St, Suite 300 on March 22, 2011 for the students and their mentors. Also attending will be NextSpace members that have already expressed interest in supporting and encouraging NFTE???s group of budding entrepreneurs.

NextSpace???s first collaboration with NFTE took place in December 2010 when the coworking startup selected NFTE as the non-profit to benefit from the donations collected at their 2010 holiday party. NextSpace community members individually donated over $600 for the organization. According to Rebecca Brian, a co-founder at NextSpace, ???Having our own community of innovators and entrepreneurs, the mission of NFTE really struck a chord with many of our members. We are excited to have found yet another way to support this inspiring organization.???

Since NFTE is seeking volunteers to guest speak and coach in their 50-60 minutes classes, as well as to help judge their upcoming business plan competition, NextSpace hopes to recruit volunteers for NFTE???s classrooms in San Francisco, the East Bay, and South Bay.

Founded in New York City in 1987 by Steve Mariotti, a former entrepreneur turned high school math teacher in the South Bronx, NFTE began as a program to prevent dropouts and improve academic performance among students who were at risk of failing or quitting school.

Combining his business background with his desire to teach at-risk students, Steve discovered that when young people from low-income communities are given the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship, their innate “street smarts” can easily develop into “academic smarts” and “business smarts.” Through entrepreneurship, young people discover that what they are learning in the classroom is relevant to the real world.

About NextSpace: NextSpace is the workplace for the new economy. More than just San Francisco office space, NextSpace provides innovative physical and virtual infrastructure that freelancers, entrepreneurs, and creative class professionals need to succeed in the 21st century knowledge economy. In an increasingly disconnected world, NextSpace creates a collaborative community that is revolutionizing the nature of work. For additional information go to or contact Rebecca Brian at (415) 675-8099.

About NFTE: The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) inspires young people from low-income communities to stay in school, to recognize opportunities and to plan for successful futures. Their innovative entrepreneurship curriculum is offered in middle schools and high schools around the world through a network of program offices and licensed partners. NFTE trains teachers to deliver the program and provide them with support throughout the year. Additional information can be found at or by calling Krista Katsantonis at (415) 422-4440.

About The Startup America Partnership: The Startup America Partnership, chaired by Steve Case, co-founder of AOL and chairman of the Case Foundation, is a private, nonprofit entity co-funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and the Case Foundation. Carl Schramm, President and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation is a founding board member.

The core goals of the Partnership are to increase the number of new high-growth firms that are creating economic growth, innovation, and quality jobs; celebrate and honor entrepreneurship as a core American value and source of competitive advantage; and inspire and empower an ever-greater diversity of communities and individuals to build great American companies. For more info go to

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